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发布日期:2024-02-26 16:41:52   点击:0


My English Satuation

Although I study English very hard,my English isn't quite fluent.I think it is because my weak English foundation.Such as program ,vocabulary ,pronunciation and reading.I always regret I haven't try my best to do all these as I can. So if I had another chance I promise I would use most of my time to study English.Fortunately, I still have much time,so I believe I can change myself .


Some people believe that a great many of problems can be brought by the automobiles. First of all, much tail gas released by cars harm pollutes the fresh air gravely. Secondly, too many cars result the roads in blocked. Finally, fast driving makes people crazy, which can account for so many traffic accidents.




for anyone, if we work for a long time, we need to have a good rest to release ourselves. some people like to have a long holiday. then, a long holiday is good or bad for people?

some one says. a long holiday is good for me. because i have worked for a long time, i really need to have a good rest. i want to visit some place to release. i want to sleep enough. the work give me too much presure, i cant breath. i want to rest and rest.

but some people says. holiday is good for me, but a long holiday is not very good. because the long holiday will make be become lazy and dont want to work any more. enough rest is ok for me.

well. i think enough rest is ok, but not very long time. how do you think about it?




Today's world, junk food is in all corner of street, junk food is convenient for us, especially for busy and lazy people, but junk food is not good food, please have junk food as normal meal will be end up so much trouble in their health.


Many people appreciate the conveniences of the city.People in the city can seefilms,visit exhibitions and watch games every day if they like to.Furthermore,if they want to Become scholars,scientists or artists,they can find what they need in the city:libraries,colleges,museums,and so on.The last But not the least important thing I'd like to say is that they can get to know as many people as they want in the city.

But some other people are attracted by the beauty of the country.First,if one is in the country he feels he is closer to nature:small streams,high mountains,fresh air,green grass and so on,all this makes people happy and stirs up the love of life.Second,in the country,people seem to have more freedom.They can sing high in the field,ride horses along a brook and do some interesting farm work.

Of course,both the city and the country have their disadvantnges.As for the city,there is pollution,noise and heavy traffic.And as far as the country is concerned,its inefficient transportation,delayed news always make people feel isolated.

Compared with cities,the country is relatively backward,but nothing can be com pared with the clean atmosphere and the gentle pace of living.Living in the country is very good for your health.With the deveJopment of economy,it is a trend that people will migrate from the city to the country.


With the development of modern society,pollution has been a big problem.Meanwhile,it`s of great importance to light the pollution.


Cellphone is very popular in our life.It is a useful tool for us to communicate with others wherever he or she is .We can also send messages to them .Apart from these,the cellphones can also be used as an alarm clock.In a word,cellphones are very useful to our life.But some people abused the cellphones .They use them to play games ,which is bad for the eyes and will waste much time .What's worse ,some people use them to send some illegal messages to others ,which can bring us much trouble.

So in my opinion ,we should make full use of the cellphone ,only in that way can we benefit from them.



It helps people remain a regular schedule and steady income, encouraging them to balance work and family.

They do not need to worry about their futuristic careers since it is a fixed job.


Some people who want to earn more or like to live a challenging lives may find it dull and boring with a steady job.

It is easy to develop the laziness of employees, enabling them to lose the ideas of learning throughout their whole lives.

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