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发布日期:2024-01-09 12:02:02   点击:0


Have you ever been to the Great Wall of China.Tt is very great and wonderful.It is a wonder in the world.It can be seen from the moon .It is used for stop the enemies from entering China.It's very wide .Five horses can walk side by side on it.

If you have a chance.you must come to visit it.


There are always misfortunes in our life. Last week on my way home I saw a cat on the road. It was deserted and homeless. Misfortune exits not only for humans but also for animals.


Honey is a very common thing in our daily life.Honey is a very common thing in our daily life. He is the companion of many teas. Has always been a symbol of sweet honey.


Modern lifestyles mean that many parents have little time for theirchildren.Many children suffer because they do not get as much attention from their parents aschildren did in the past.



1. 确定主题和观点:演讲稿应该有一个明确的主题和观点,以此为中心构建演讲内容,使观众容易理解和接受。2. 设计结构和逻辑:演讲稿的结构应该清晰明了,能够把思路和论据组织得有条不紊,使观众能够轻松跟上演讲者的思路。3. 用准确生动的语言表达:好的演讲稿需要选用恰当、准确、生动的语言表达演讲者的观点和想法,同时要注意节奏、音调和语气的变化,以此掌握节奏感和情感表达的准确性。4. 适当运用故事和幽默:演讲者可以在演讲过程中加入一些生动形象、幽默风趣的故事体验,吸引听众的注意力,增加演讲的趣味性和亲和力。总之,一份成功的英语演讲稿需要在准备、撰写和演讲三个阶段做好充分的准备和练习,使之精益求精,达到和满足听众的需求和期待。


Good afternoon everyone,

Today, I would like to talk to you about skateboarding, a sport that has been gaining popularity around the world.

Skateboarding is a sport that involves riding on a board with wheels, performing tricks and stunts. It originated in California in the 1950s and has since become a global phenomenon.

One of the reasons why skateboarding is so popular is because it is a form of self-expression. Skateboarders can create their own style and perform tricks that are unique to them. It is a sport that allows individuals to express themselves in a creative and artistic way.

Another reason why skateboarding is so popular is because it is a great way to stay active and healthy. Skateboarding requires a lot of physical activity, such as balance, coordination, and strength. It is a great way to stay in shape and improve your overall health.

Skateboarding is also a sport that promotes community and friendship. Skateboarders often gather together to skate and share their passion for the sport. It is a great way to meet new people and make friends.

However, skateboarding is not without its risks. Skateboarders need to wear protective gear, such as helmets and pads, to prevent injuries. It is important to practice safety measures and be aware of your surroundings when skateboarding.

In conclusion, skateboarding is a sport that has become a global phenomenon due to its ability to promote self-expression, physical activity, community, and friendship. While it is important to practice safety measures, skateboarding is a great way to stay active and express yourself in a creative and artistic way. Thank you for listening.



When I was very young,I have a dream that one day I could be a writer. Why I want to be a writer in the funture? first of all, I like writting. When I write down something in my diary,I enjoy that kind of feeling very much. Another reason is that I like to express my feeling through writting. So in the future , I want to be writer.


Maybe the stars mean's the dream,I love the stars in the blue sky,It's always bright and pretty,and always take me to a beautiful dream.

I really like to look at the little stars,when I look at them,I feel very relax and happy.The stars are quiet and just like full of beautiful magic, It's amazy.

Just like wonders,the stars in the deapiest blue sky is so pretty,"one , two, three, four, five, six, seven……"there has so many so many stars in the sky,I really can't count it.

When I was so lonely,I will look at the sky,and told the little stars my little secrets,told the little stars my dream,and told them so many so many interesting things,then I will feel less lonely.

九、关于living well的演讲稿英语?

Physical well and mental satisfaction is the root or base for the everyday doings.In my opinion the recognition from the society for one person as an individual is the most potential.

When you or your wife give birth to a baby,in such a moment you experience the happy-event,you'd like to have all the quantities around know that you have an offspring.People greet you, and you feel in heaven.That' it.

Everybody longs on better living,the first thing you are asked to do is deriving the concerns.The more your relatives and colleages or classmates care about you,the more you will feel like being filled with opportunities,even if you feel more on people laughing at you.

It is not unfortunate when you saw their glancing at you.They do such things because you become famous in an area but they do not know why.Your duty is explaining what you have done,whatever but rather the ones in which you presented your good manners.

You will receive sympathy,you will make friends.

Then one couldn't live on without believes,or careers.If you do have one,no problem.Else you'd better find one.What interest you most?Looking for a perfict one is a waste of time.No absolute subject.However,you can always find a better,don't hesitate to have a try though there is some career you must devote to it besides no one restrict your hobbies as long that they do no harm to the society.

Precisely,living well is a concept with more contents,I merely gave my attitudes.


We play too few people,although we were more,but we play too few people,if it is in accordance with the popularity of football,everyone will play football,and this ratio for every million peopl

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