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攀岩术语? 攀岩英语介绍作文?
发布日期:2024-01-14 01:41:03   点击:0






  (4)撑---指利用台阶裂缝或其它地形、以手、掌和臂的力量使 身体向上移动,或左


  (5)推---主要是指利用侧面、下面的岩体或物体,以手、臂的力量使 身体向上或左


  (6)蹬---是指用瓣脚掌内侧或脚趾的蹬踏力把身体支撑起来,减轻上肢的负 荷;



rock climbing

For those who want to get into shape, rock climbing is a fun and effective way.

Learn rock climbing and enjoy the great outdoor environment.




Rock climbing is a physically and mentally demanding sport, one that often tests a climber's strength, endurance, agility and balance along with his mental control. Anyone can go hiking, but rock climbing really separates the men from the boys. The High-Step Stretch works active flexibility and range of motion for a critical rock climbing move. City life is smothery. Let's go rock climbing.



五、英语 文化术语缩写?

英语缩略词“CAT”经常作为“Culture, Art, Technology”的缩写来使用,中文表示:“文化、艺术、技术”。本文将详细介绍英语缩写词CAT所代表英文单词,其对应的中文拼音、详细解释以及在英语中的流行度。此外,还有关于缩略词CAT的分类、应用领域及相关应用示例等。


1. Air Strike: 空袭;

2. Ambush: 伏击;

3. Artillery: 炮兵;

4. Assault: 突击;

5. Attack: 攻击;

6. Battle: 战斗;

7. Bombardment: 轰炸;

8. Bunker: 地堡;

9. Capture: 捕获;

10. Charge: 冲锋;

11. Counterattack: 反击;

12. Defense: 防御;

13. Evacuation: 疏散;

14. Firefight: 交火;

15. Fortification: 装甲;

16. Infantry: 步兵;

17. Maneuver: 机动;

18. March: 行军;

19. Minefield: 地雷场;

20. Patrol: 巡逻;

21. Raid: 突袭;

22. Retreat: 撤退;

23. Decoy: 诱饵;

24. Skirmish: 小规模战斗;

25. Cavalry: 骑兵;

26. Tactics: 战术;

27. Target: 目标;

28. Troop: 部队;

29. Withdrawal: 撤军;

30. Armor: 装甲;

31. Cannon: 大炮;

32. Cavalry: 骑兵;

33. Decoy: 诱饵;

34. Demolition: 拆除;

35. Flank: 侧翼;

36. Frontline: 前线;

37. Cavalry: 骑兵;

38. Guerilla: 游击队;

39. Tank: 坦克。

40. Mortar: 迫击炮;

41. Occupation: 占领;

42. Paratrooper: 空降兵;

43. Position: 位置;

44. Recon: 侦察;

45. Reinforcement: 增援;

46. Rocket: 火箭;

47. Shield: 护盾;

48. Strategist: 战略家;

49. Supplies: 补给;

50. Tank: 坦克。


一般都是记简单的.红buff是r. 蓝buff是b.小龙是d. 伯爵br. 闪现是flash.传送transport. 眼位我不清楚了.好像直接打时间的. 这种一般打野跟辅助才会有这种习惯,上单 中单 adc需要专注对线,很少记的。ad上单带点燃看下他的法强有没有五点就知道是否有点燃了(除非天赋没点出点燃)。





Kate was an experienced climber who had scaled mountains all over the world. She knew exactly what to do and could move quickly and easily up steep rock faces. Cole and Tom, on the other hand, were beginners. They had never climbed anything before, but they were excited to learn.

It was a hot summer day when the three of them set out to climb a cliff in the nearby hills. Kate led the way, showing Cole and Tom how to tie the ropes and secure themselves to the rock face. They moved slowly at first, checking each other's gear and looking for the best hand and foot holds.

After a while, they came to a narrow ledge that led up to a chimney in the rock. Kate went first, using her hands and feet to climb up the chimney. Cole followed, but he slipped and nearly fell. Tom was more cautious, taking his time to find solid holds and test his weight before moving upward.

As they continued to climb, the sun beat down on them, making them sweat and pant for breath. The rock got steeper, and the holds became fewer and farther between. Kate urged them on, telling them to trust themselves and their equipment. Cole and Tom struggled, but they refused to give up.

At last, they reached the top of the cliff. They stood there, looking out over the valley below, feeling a sense of accomplishment and pride. Kate congratulated them, telling them that they had done well.

As they headed back down the trail, Cole and Tom thanked Kate for teaching them how to climb. They said they couldn't wait to try it again. Kate smiled, knowing that they had just experienced the thrill of a lifetime.


英语有16种时态:一般现在时,一般过去时 ,将来时,现在进行时,过去进行时,将来进行时 ,现在完成时,过去完成时,将来完成时…。语态有:主动语态,被动语态。


ring 戒指项链 a necklace 手镯 a bracelet; a bangle; a torque; a wristlet 耳环 earrings; ear studs; ear pendants

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没有什么生意是能够百分百保证赚钱的,都需要天时地利人和。乐园的地段,面积,设备,客流,运营,服务都是影响营业额的因素。 多乐星儿童乐...
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