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发布日期:2024-01-20 03:36:19   点击:0


rock climbing

For those who want to get into shape, rock climbing is a fun and effective way.

Learn rock climbing and enjoy the great outdoor environment.


ElephantThis is an elephant. It is big. It has two big ears. It has a long nose. It has four strong legs. It can help the people. It can water the flowers with its nose. It likes bananas. I like elephants.


袁隆平院士是我国当代杰出的农业科学家,享誉世界的“杂交水稻之父”.他参加工作50多年以来,不畏艰辛、执着追求、大胆创新、勇攀高峰,所取得的科研成果使我国杂交水稻研究及应用领域领先世界水平,推广应用后不仅解决了中国粮食自给难题,也为世界粮食安全做出了杰出贡献.Academician Yuan Longping outstanding contemporary China's agricultural scientists,world-renowned "father of hybrid rice." He participated in more than 50 years of work,hard,persistent pursuit of bold innovation,,the research results achieved by our hybrid rice research and application of world-class leader in the field,promote the use of not only solve the problems of China's food self-sufficiency,but also food security for the world made an outstanding contribution.


I have good eating habits.I have noodles and milk for breakfast.I think it's delicious.I eat rice,fish and lots of vegetables for lunch.It's good for my healthy.And I eat rice,some vegetableas and some fruit for

dinner.Sometimes I drink a bottle of orange juice.My eating habits are healthy.And you?


A bungalow has only one floor, which is different from a building. There are many kinds of bungalows in Beijing,


Seattle is the largest city in the Pacific Northwest region of the United States. It was founded in the 1850s and got its name from Chief Seattle. Officially known as the Emerald City, Seattle is located in King County, Washington, between Puget Sound and Lake Washington, about 174 kilometers from the Canadian border with the United States. Seattle is also the county seat of King County. Seattle is the largest city in Washington state.


A Hotel Management Qualification The hospitality industry has been claimed to be a people-centric industry, where its management success and failure revolves around the management of people, particularly interactions between guests and staff. There is an indicator, which acknowledges the success or failure of such organisations, it is the high level of skills and training of the staff that work in such an industry.


The empty dam below my home was clean and tidy, and now the empty dam is full of rubbish, especially on rainy days, polluted water, and pedestrians passing by. The other people, because of the strength of the power, threw the garbage just hanging on the tree, ugly dead.


My father is a doctor.

He works in a hospital in my hometown.

He likes his job very much.

My mother is a teacher.

She teaches English in our school.

She teaches very well and she is very kind to the students.

She always gets on well with her partners. Everyone in our school likes her very much



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宏洋游乐-游艺设施网-游艺设施B2B平台 版权所有:蓁成科技(云南)有限公司    网站地图   备案号: 滇ICP备2021006107号-178   
