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Playground Equipment: How to Say "滑滑梯", "跷跷板", and "秋千" in English
发布日期:2024-11-06 14:42:57   点击:0


When it comes to playground equipment, there are several common items that children love to play on. In Chinese, we have terms such as "滑滑梯", "跷跷板", and "秋千", but how do we express these in English? Let's explore the English equivalents of these fun playground equipment pieces.

1. 滑滑梯 (huá huá tī) - Slide

The first item we'll look at is "滑滑梯" (huá huá tī), which is a popular attraction for kids in playgrounds. In English, we commonly refer to this as a slide. Children climb up the ladder and then delightfully slide down to the bottom.

2. 跷跷板 (qiāo qiāo bǎn) - Seesaw

Moving on to "跷跷板" (qiāo qiāo bǎn), this classic playground equipment where two children sit opposite each other and take turns going up and down is known as a seesaw in English. It provides amusement and helps in developing coordination and teamwork skills among kids.

3. 秋千 (qiū qiān) - Swing

Last but not least, we have "秋千" (qiū qiān), a popular swinging apparatus in playgrounds. In English, this is simply called a swing. Children love to sway back and forth on swings, enjoying the feeling of freedom and excitement.


Now you know how to say "滑滑梯" (slide), "跷跷板" (seesaw), and "秋千" (swing) in English. The next time you visit a playground or talk about these fun equipment pieces, you can use the accurate English terms. Understanding these translations can help you communicate effectively, especially in an English-speaking environment.

Thank you for reading through this article. We hope it has been informative and helpful in expanding your vocabulary for playground equipment in English!

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