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发布日期:2024-02-18 17:53:27   点击:169





正文:《Toy Story 3》 is an interesting story. It describes woody and space toys Buzz Lightyear, Barbie and Mr. pork chop. They thought their owner Andy grew up and didn't want them, so they got on the bus to Sunshine Kindergarten.


In the Sunshine Kindergarten, they met a big bear with a kind appearance and a very evil solid. Big bear said that everything is fine in Sunshine Kindergarten. 


 Barbie also met the handsome Ken, who begged Barbie to live in the dream garden with him. Everything looks beautiful.


After a while, they felt that the children here didn't know how to play with toys. They were played ragged. So they wanted to escape together. 


But Buzz Lightyear was caught by the big bear's men and adjusted to be the big bear's man. The big bear told Buzz Lightyear that his friends were the enemy of the big bear, so Buzz Lightyear put his friends in the basket.


Barbie broke off relations with Ken for her friends and was arrested. Woody knew that his friends had been caught, came up with a plan, rescued his friends with Barbie, and helped Buzz Lightyear return to normal. 


They returned to their master Andy together.


Andy was very happy, but Andy was going to college and couldn't live at home, so he reluctantly gave them to Bonnie, a little girl who really liked toys. 


When Andy sent them out, he introduced the toys to the little girl Bonnie one by one. Andy recalls how he played with toys when he was a child and played with them for a long time.


After watching this film, it reminds me of my childhood toys. Some may have been cruelly thrown away by me, some may have been damaged by me and will never play again. 

看完这部片子让我想起了, 我童年的玩具。有的可能被我残忍的扔掉了有的被我弄坏了再也不玩了。

I will cherish the toys in the future and don't hurt them.


要多少字 我给你哦

Today, I watched Toy Story 3 movie, in the Toy Story 3 in the master toy they have grown up and left home for college, the toys had to face the fate of being shelved. Toys are frustrated because of misunderstanding of the way Andy and kindergartens to the sun. Big Bear and other toys have been oppression. Woody was a leading toy Rebel Road off their home. Their ultimate choice is left, leaving Andy and wait for Andy to come back. To make the toys are a good place, safety first decided to give them a love like him, care for Bonnie, where the little girl toys.

I am most impressed is the film's final, Andy sat in the car, looked at Bonnie is holding his toys, toys, a very heartfelt way they said loudly: Thank you, guys! Yes ah, he Should not his toy they say thank you you! These toys to accompany his 10 years, brought him countless happy, now they will have to leave him, say thank you it should be. Without these toys, Andean childhood how to be pale, the movie has playback of the Andean childhood and toys are a fun scene, precisely because of these toys, Andy's life was not boring, full of joy. So safety first want to say thank you, and his guys say goodbye!

Watching the film, I can not wait to open their own toy box, I saw a new toy, there are old toys, I believe that toys are alive, like Toy Story 3 in the same!

顺便和你说我是金桂臣 -,-


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